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dinsdag 25 september 2012

I am staring intently at the corners of your mouth

maandag 10 september 2012

Sophisticated, old and abandoned

(In English for a change) Some buildings are like carcasses with a beautiful bone structure, slowly falling apart. In spite of their deterioration, the original splendor remains. The interiors in the pictures underneath, for instance, where once occupied by dozens of students. Standing in one of these spacious rooms I can visualize the past. By reading and analyzing these young men and women tried to outsmart the world and their friends. Seated in large wooden chairs they unraveled mysteries, books, papers, pen and notebook piled up in front of them.

 Once I entered the old library I became speechless, such grand architecture, with the ceilings and pillars decorated with intricate patterns, abandoned for almost fifteen years. Imagine this place as it might have been, with people burying their noses in books, lazy or occupied, shaded by large tropical plant. If a pot of coffee or tea was involved, it would have been more like a private library.

 However, the deterioration was evident, plasterwork crumbled and colors were faded. Still as in the movies, the rays of sun illuminating the interior made it look inhabited, a place to meet with friends or lovers.